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  • Paul

Yasawa - Fiji

It is so hard to accurately describe the beauty of Yasawa and Fiji. This images just don't do justice.

The landscape of Fiji is stunning. But it is the spirit and friendliness of the Fijians that draw us back, year after year.

Our stay over the past several days at Yasawa has been so special. The resort is fully booked out, so we are staying in cabins in the back of the resort. We regularly get out and witness the spectacular light show of the nightly sunsets. The local Fijian children are so beautiful and friendly.

Strolls along the 1km long white sandy beach is our regular exercise. Soaring palm trees lead to pillowy soft sand, sloping down to the warm waters of the Pacific. Whichever direction we turn, we find breathtaking views.

The local staff had a small Mother's Day celebration, complete with a homemade cake. They were so nice to invite Lisa to their celebration, and she was honored to take part.

We know it is selfish to say at this point, but one month is not long enough to enjoy Fiji and Yasawa.

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