Anyone who has driven on Rte. 28 in Falmouth has gone by Teaticket Park. It is a very non-descript park, and if you blink, you miss it. It is bordered by a car wash and a granite dealer. But once you drive in, park, and explore, it is a very cool nature preserve.
This used to be a mini-golf park. No kidding. It was purchased and preserved as a nature area, and the short paths that circle the park are highlighted by very good signage, particularly a wonderful little area that discusses the importance of insects and the process of pollenization.
There is a pretty wooded area, some open areas, and lots of birdlife, supported by the many bird houses erected to encourage life in this pretty area.
Is Teaticket Park the jewel of Falmouth's parks? Probably not. Is it a pretty area deserving a visit and exploration? Absolutely.
We are all guilty of driving by and ignoring things, intent on getting from point to point, and missing all that is along the journey. Having driven by this park hundreds of times without acknowledging it, our opinion of this area has changed, and we appreciate the hard work in getting this park established, and the importance it has in the local ecosystem. We need to drive less, and explore more.