A beautiful Saturday afternoon calls for a bit of exploring. Today's destination: South Shore.
A few days ago, we found some awesome back roads in Plymouth. Today, we started just north of Plymouth in Duxbury. This affluent area boasts many stunning homes, and some great shoreline. We enjoyed lunch in the charming downtown, and drove along the coast.
Our drive took us up into Marshfield and through some charming town roads. The rocky, sandy shore looks like it has been battered by many a Nor'easter over the years.

Our drive continued through Cohasset and Scituate. We had never visited Hull, as it is definitely off the beaten path, so we decided to drive all the way to the tip of Hull. And what a cool drive it was! We went by Nantucket Beach, which was full of walkers, and is a very wide and very long beach. I can only imagine how busy this is in the heat of summer.

The drive to the end of Hull is amazing. Water on both sides, some massive homes next to some small, family dwellings. And at the end of the road is Hull High School, and some amazing views of Boston. You can see many of the islands in the Bay, along with several lighthouses and even a massive fort. I don't know why we have never visited this area before, but I am so glad we took the time to enjoy this drive.