It seems like yesterday . . .
Four short years ago, we dropped off our son at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Teary-eyed as we drove away, leaving him behind, today we are teary-eyed with pride as he graduates. We are so very proud.
This may be our last visit to Tucson for a while. We will miss this place. We absolutely LOVE Tucson, and have enjoyed every one of our many visits. We loved visiting this amazing city 3-4 times every year.
While we thought we had seen almost everything, we did find one place to visit: the Titan Missile Museum. This is the only place in the world where you can visit an underground nuclear missile site. If you are ever in the Tucson area, I highly recommend visiting it. The stories that were told, the equipment we saw, the missile in the silo - it was all so interesting and utterly frightening.
In Tucson, we have our favorite places to visit, as well as always wanting to find new, different places. We were able to do both this trip. We found two new breweries we had never visited, and had the chance to go to Raijin Ramen - our absolute favorite restaurant in Tucson - twice in the period of 4 days.
The highlight of our short visit was the graduation ceremony, thankfully held indoors. The walk to/from the ceremony was rough, as it was over 100 degrees. But the ceremony was fun. It started with something uniquely Tucson - the nearby high school mariachi band played before the ceremony. We sat through hundreds of Business School graduates crossing the stage, having their name read aloud.
The moment our son's name was announced, and watching him cross the stage, is something I will never forget. A proud moment indeed.

We no longer have a personal reason to visit Tucson, as he no longer attends school and lives there. But Tucson will forever hold a very special place in our hearts and memories, and there is no doubt at all that there will be more visits to this wonderful city.