It was mid-afternoon, and we were all a bit bored. Let's go for another adventure.
We hopped in the car, crossed the bridge, and headed down I-495. We exited in Carver and decided to do the back road drive to Plymouth. I have never seen so many cranberry bogs! They were everywhere. There was even a beautiful golf course that was designed around the bogs, hugging the drop-off on each fairway. Talk about an impressive water hazard.
We drove into Plymouth, and wound our way along the coast until the road ended at Manomet Point. The views back to Plymouth were awesome. And, the view towards Sandwich and the canal is such a different experience, as we have spent so much time on the other side, looking towards this point.

The drive to Manomet Point was both beautiful and disturbing. Beautiful, as the coast and water is stunning. Disturbing because we drove past Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant, the decommissioned plant that was the subject of much debate and protests that lasted decades. The plant closed in May 2019, but it is still causing concern for neighbors. Many homes have signs protesting any release of water from the plant into the bay.
For our journey back to the Cape, we decided to take Route 3A, instead of the highway. What a great drive! It was much more scenic, and as we crested a hill, we saw Sagamore Bridge directly in front of us - it looked like we could drive directly to it. However, 3A is not the highway, and drops us off at the canal road.
Sure, we got a very late start today. But what a fun and interesting drive.