Why is it that when we travel to a warm destination, you want the weather at home to be crappy? Well, got my wish. We awoke to very wet snow this morning, making for a challenging drive to the airport. My flight to Tucson (no, not flying direct to Vegas) was one of about 80% of the flights that were listed as on time.
While the computer monitors listed it as on-time, it was not in reality. After everyone boarded the plane, we sat at the gate for over 45 minutes, awaiting for bags to be placed in the plane. Once we backed away from the gate, our first stop was the de-icing station, where that took another 30 minutes.
Bright and sunny skies greeted me in Tucson. Seriously, nothing feels better than the warm sun on your face after departing from cold, windy, snowy weather. I was meeting my son in Tucson, and we are going to drive to Las Vegas. After running a few errands, and a lunch at our favorite spot (Raijin Ramen), we hit the road. My phone maps said it would take 6 hours 25 minutes. We can do it in 6!
Loads of traffic before we hit Phoenix, and again trying to navigate our way through this massive, sprawling city. Once we hit rural roads and highways, we were in great shape. The drive through northwest Arizona is stunning. Beautiful canyons that were lit by the setting sun. We drove past the Hoover Dam, hoping to catch a nice view from the highway. No such luck, as they have built a barrier on the bridge that does not allow you to see the dam. A very good idea, as I suspect many drivers would slow down to take into the view.
We arrived into Las Vegas as the skies went dark, and we coasted into a gas station with 7 miles left on our projected 'miles remaining'. One tank of gas to get from Tucson to Las Vegas. Not bad.
This evening, we drove to the strip for a few drinks to celebrate St. Patricks Day. The casino at New York New York was hopping, and we enjoyed the scene.

The main reason for our visit - watch some March Madness College Basketball!