There are sunny, nice beach days, and there are cloudy, rainy non-beach days. Today was the latter. So, we decided to take a quick roadtrip down to New Bedford and the South Coast of Massachusetts.
Our first stop was a very brief, rain-shortened walk around the historic section of New Bedford. Having no interest in learning about the city's whaling history, we decided to look at a few pretty houses and historical buildings.
Further south, towards the far tip of New Bedford lies the Civil War era Fort Rodman. With a stretch of green grass leading to the water's edge, it looks like it would be the perfect place to sit, take in the views and enjoy a picnic. Not today. The overcast skies were threatening.
A couple miles north and we found our lunch spot: Cisco Brewery. We knew that there was a Cisco on Nantucket, and were very surprised to find one here. As it rained outside, we enjoyed a very nice bowl of clam chowder and a sample of their beers.
Instead of taking Route 195 all the way back to the Cape, we decided to meander along route 6, which took us through Fairhaven (and past their stunning high school!), Mattapoisett, Marion, and Wareham.
The waterfront areas of Mattapoisett and Marion are spectacular. Beautiful areas, not built up, not touristy, and home to some gorgeous houses. We only wish it were nicer weather so we could get out and walk a bit. These towns were so charming and quintessential coastal Massachusetts.
On our journey home, after crossing the Bourne Bridge, we made a detour to the far west of Pocasset, where we found some tree-lined streets with lucky homes boasting views of either the Canal on the right or Buzzards Bay on the left. At the end of the road was Wings Neck Lighthouse.