Today is the day we dread. The day we must depart Yasawa.
We had such a lovely, relaxing, remarkable stay, we don't want to leave.
As we prepared to leave, the staff got together to sing the goodbye song - Isa Lei. The saddest song I know, as it means we must leave Fiji.
We awoke to windy weather, and rain. For a moment, it threatened our departure from Yasawa, and I got excited about the thought of being deserted here for another day. Alas, we had to leave. However, we were unable to take the plane, as the grass airstrip was too wet. So, today's departure would be done in style.

The view as we took off was stunning, even with rainy skies.
We flew immediately over the resort, where we could enjoy one last look and wave our goodbyes.

But, it is not goodbye. But rather, Sota Tale. This is for Fijian for See You Later.