Terribly exciting news. I flew on a plane! I felt like a 6 year old kid walking through the airport with excitement and anticipation. Albeit a 6 year old trying to avoid everyone he sees.
Wearing two masks (one inside out, as seen from this photo), and with pockets full of anti-bacterial lotion and wipes, I carefully navigated my way through the Denver airport and boarded a flight to Tucson. I haven't been this excited to take a flight for years.
It is time to pick up my son at the University of Arizona, empty his apartment for the semester, and drive back to Denver. It's been 87 days since my last flight. Longest drought for travel since . . . August of 2020!
I was in Tucson for about 2 hours. Long enough to pack the car, and enjoy a quick Ramen meal at our favorite restaurant in Tucson: Raijin Ramen. After lunch, we hopped in the car for the long drive home.
No plans for any future flights. But when plans are made, I will no longer take them for granted.