Horseneck Beach was the go-to beach of my youth. It is huge, easily accessible, and very, very popular. But this is not the Horseneck of my youth. At least not what I remember. The beach was deserted, as it is off-season. The massive dunes were quiet. We had the run of the massive parking lot. And walking on the beach, we were amazed at the size and sounds of the waves.
Instead of returning on the same access road, we decided to do a bit of exploring. And boy did it pay off! Just pass Horseneck Beach is Gooseberry island, accessible by a causeway. Waves crashed on either side of the road, delivering with it salt spray across the road. We strolled along the beaches and admired the local surfers braving the cold water.
Continuing towards South Westport, we drove through an amazing countryside, with miles and miles of maze-like stone walls. It was a scene out of a novel. Charming farm houses, framed with meandering stone walls, with flowing green countryside and trees showing off their autumn colors.
We came across this sign and decided we need to stop for a while.

The driveway to Buzzards Bay Brewery was like a drive through time. The farmland was beautiful. The buildings at this brewery are so New England. We were so taken by the views. And the beer was great. A perfect end to our driving adventures for the day.
When we left Falmouth, it was cold, foggy and rainy. When we got to Westport, the sun was out and it was a perfect autumn day. We have enjoyed so many fun adventures, but this one is very special. And, we may have to revisit this stunning area.