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Here's a crazy idea . . .


Well, we did it. We have talked for years about this, and we finally acted on it.

We are officially homeless.

Sounds dire, but it's not. We sold our house in Colorado, in which we have lived for the past 24 years. We have sold almost all of our belongings. Our wardrobes have been dramatically reduced. We pared down our belongings to what we think we need to live comfortably, have packed our car, and have begun our adventure.

We prepared for this for many months. Purging things from our basement, selling furniture online, and taking photos of sentimental items before getting rid of them. We wanted to wait until our son graduated from university (which he did in mid-May - yeah!). The decision to sell our house was both difficult and easy at the same time. We loved our house, but the reality is that we do not need a huge 4-bedroom house on a golf course. A simple, relaxed, easy life is what we seek. And we think we can pull this off.

Our plan is simple: roam. Experience different places in North America, one month at a time, staying in AirBnBs and really delving into local life (or as much as we can in one month). We have not planned anything way out in advance. Instead, we will try to fly by the seat of our pants, and go where our hearts lead us.

Our first stop? The scene of the crime. My wife and I met in our early 20s in the town of Falmouth, on Cape Cod. We decided to make our first stop on this new adventure a return to our first-ever meeting place.

Over the last 4 weeks, we sold our house, sold most of our belongings (sold online and by hosting a garage sale - which we will never do again!), were very lucky to have found a small cottage in Falmouth, packed up the car, drove across country, and have just arrived for the beginning phase of our adventures. These last four weeks have been a blur, and has been incredibly stressful. However, we have arrived and have settled in nicely, doing our best to embrace Cape living.

For our first stop, we are indulging ourselves, and staying on Cape Cod for three months. This will allow us to settle in, relax after the incredible stress of selling our house and our belongings, spend some time with family who live nearby, and to adapt to this new and exciting lifestyle we have chosen.

Most people we have told think our new adventure plans are incredibly exciting. Many are jealous. Most think we are a bit crazy.

Sure, we are homeless. But isn't that part of the excitement? We have so much more freedom, and can go virtually anywhere. For us, this is the ultimate adventure. Crazy? Maybe. Exciting? Definitely.

See you on the road. . .




About Me


I'm Paul. I've been working in the Travel industry for over 20 years. Travel is not only my business, but also my passion. Follow along as I stroll the city streets of Europe, visit small traditional villages in the South Pacific, eat my way through Southeast Asia, and continue the search for my next travel adventure.

© 2022 by Paul the Travel Guy

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