We were very fortunate to be in Louisville this weekend since Churchill Downs was hosting a special Saturday Night at the Races. It would be a shame to visit this city and not see this important place.
We walked up and got tickets for General Admission. First stop was the bar to get a Mint Julep. Second stop was the paddock area where they walk in the horses and prepare them for the race. It was a spectacle. People dressed in formal wear and women with funny hats, mingling next to college kids who probably walked over from the University of Louisville. Watching the horses and jockeys come out was really cool. These horses are gorgeous and certainly are the stars of the show.
As the races were about to begin, we would rush to the racetrack, and were able to get very close - even standing against the rail. And yes, our horse did win this particular race.
After the races, we drove back to our neighborhood AirBnb. Nearby is the Schnitzelburg neighborhood, home to Monnik Beer Company. Really good food, even better beer.