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  • Paul


We woke up this morning to witness sunrise at Monument Valley, knowing that our ultimate destination for the day was Canyonlands. Along the way, we drove through Monument Valley, re-enacted Forrest Gump, visited Goosenecks State Park, drove up the Moki Dugway, hiked in Natural Bridges National Monument, discovered Newspaper Rock, and drove over 250 miles. Canyonlands seemed like the perfect ending to our adventurous day.

And oh was it.

What an amazing place. If you visit Canyonlands, be sure to come near sunset.

It really is so hard to capture the enormous size, and stunning beauty of this place. But here goes:

You could spend weeks exploring this amazing park. We only had a few hours. But we sure made the most of them!

Tonight, we will sleep in Moab before an early morning start to visit Arches National Park.

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