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  • Paul

A walk amongst the bogs

This afternoon's hike was again brought to you by the Coonamessett Greenway Heritage Trail. Today we explored the Romano Bog area, George Souza Preserve, and the Coonamessett upper bogs.

We were unable to do our normal early morning hike, so we headed out mid-afternoon. Quite a bit warmer than our nice cool mornings. And no other hikers, with the exception of a very brief interaction with a woman and her dog near the parking area. We had these quiet trails to ourselves.

There were bogs throughout our hike, and loads of streams and wetlands. Quite a bit of diverse birdlife, along with a very shy snake, and four sunbathing turtles.

You would think that with this much water, we would have had issues with mosquitos. But no sight of them, thank goodness. I did have an interloper who joined me from this hike - I found a tick on my leg after returning home.

We have one section remaining of the Coonamessett Greenway Heritage Trail to explore. We will aim for tackling that area early next week. Again, we are so very fortunate to have this natural beauty so close to our house.

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