When we started this adventure back in late June, we had no idea what was in store. We sold our home, sold most of our belongings, packed up our car, and drove out to begin an amazing adventure on Cape Cod.
Over five months have passed since we arrived to Falmouth, and today we bid a fond farewell. We were not simply tourists. We were not visitors. We considered Falmouth our home. Despite driving cars with Colorado license plates, we thought of ourselves as locals, or as much as locals as we were allowed.
We depart with many rich and vibrant memories. We LOVED our time in Falmouth. We LOVED our experiences. We LOVED the feeling we had while here.
But we know it is now time to leave, to begin another adventure. The reason we have made this massive lifestyle change was to experience new and fun adventures. And we're ready for the next one.
So, we are driving back to Colorado, where we are visiting family for a couple days, before we head to our next adventure: Fiji!