Back in Fiji! Where we belong . . .
What a whirlwind week. Last Saturday, we bid farewell to Falmouth and began our very long driving journey to Colorado. We arrived back to Colorado on Monday evening. After a few days of recovery, mixed in with appointments and friend visits, we departed Friday evening for Fiji.
The Fiji Airways flight was great - helped by the fact that we had an open seat between us. Disembarking at the Nadi airport is like a return home. The sights. The smells. The smiling, friendly Fijian faces.

After a few hours at a local Nadi airport hotel (a nice leisurely breakfast and a nap!), we headed to the Domestic Terminal for our flight to Yasawa Island Resort & Spa. Pacific Island Air is a great Fiji airline, and I love flying in their planes. And, the views are spectacular.

On arrival to the grass landing strip on Yasawa, we were welcomed with a hand-made salusalu and a cold refreshing towel. Whisked away to the resort, we were quickly surrounded by old friends. There is nothing better than being serenaded with Bula Maleya, the Fiji welcome song.

It is great to be back at Yasawa, and we look forward to a fun 9 days of relaxing, fun activities, some scuba diving, and catching up with friends.
